On Writing

Renegade Profiles: Author Amy DuBoff

Renegade Profiles: Author Amy DuBoff

JV: Amy, tell me who would play you in a movie? Hmmm… I’ll go with Tatiana Maslany. I think she has incredible range and could capture everything from my quiet introversion to my passionate nerdom. JV: Nice! I heard she was in negotiations for a role for Star Wars...

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Renegade Profiles: Author Eric Michael Craig

Renegade Profiles: Author Eric Michael Craig

JV: Eric, tell me who would play you in a movie? Play me in a movie? Wow that is a tough question. He’d have to be an ugly cuss that’s for sure. 😉 If you mean who would be able to act the story of my life in a movie I might actually lean in a direction that my...

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RENEGADE PROFILES: Author Carol J. Marshall

RENEGADE PROFILES: Author Carol J. Marshall

Author Carol James Marshall JV: Who would play you in a movie? Is Predator a real answer, because that’s who I’d want to play me. It’s probably reverse as in I want to be Predator, but meh. JV: Day jobs before you starting writing fulltime? I worked for my local...

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Writing is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Writing is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

When I was getting in my daily wordcount for NaNoWriMo, I was often struck by how much writing felt like running.  At the early stage in both activities, MORE is just MORE.  So more words tended to just be good to get down, regardless of the quality.  Similarly, my...

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The Story Grid Workshop with Shawn Coyne

The Story Grid Workshop with Shawn Coyne

People like me need structure.  Even if I did write my entire NaNoWriMo project by the seat of my pants, I like to know that the overall story spine is there, and that everything works.  Listening to the Story Grid podcast all year and working through the book, The...

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RENEGADE PROFILES: Author Barry J. Hutchison

RENEGADE PROFILES: Author Barry J. Hutchison

Author Barry J. Hutchison JV: Barry, tell me who would play you in a movie? Easy. Adam West in his Batman days. Seriously, I wouldn’t even hold auditions, I’d just call him up and offer him the part. He’d have to learn to do a Scottish accent, but being arguably the...

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